
Business Plan

Step 6: Discussion and Design

Finally, you have come to the piont where you write your business plan together and all the other parts.

Do the following assignments:


A. Write down your business plan using the 6 Ps. Below you will find an overview with focus questions for each of the 6 Ps that you have to consider when writing your business plan. Make sure your 6 Ps are clear and they are linked in a way to your research results. Decide in which order you want to put them in your Business Plan.

  • Product (client analysis)
      • What product will you sell? Is it a seasonable product or an everyday consumer good? What is the demand-supply of the product? Who are your customers? How often will they need the product, etc.?
  • Place
      • Where will you locate your business? Why? Think of your target group. Are there any competitors?
  • Promotion/presentation
      • How will you promote your product? What channels will you use? Will there be special offers in your promotion? What will be your USP (unique selling point)
  • Price
      • How much will the product cost? Is it going to be lower or higher than your competitors? Are there any regular discount offers (in percentage)?
  • Personnel
      • How many people will you hire for your business? What functions will be available? Parttime or fulltime? Do they have to have a diploma/certificate or just experience? Does your personnel suit the target group?
  • Parking
      • Are there going to be parking facilities for customers? How will that be arranged à costs, time slots, place, special arrangements during seasonal periods, people with disabilities, etc.

B. Next to the designing part on paper, you also have to show your promotion for your business during your presentation:

  • Create a promotional film clip for your business (product/service). You can simply create one filming (with your SmartPhone or camera) yourselves with the name and/or slogan of your business and the product that you want to promote. Or choose another way of promoting your product/service. As long as it is recognisable as a promotion clip and your product is in it. Keep in mind that YOU have to create one: using an existing promotion clip is plagiarism.
  • Create a poster/flyer for customers; one that you use for the big opening of your business.

C. Write down who did what and how that went.

    • Also write down what your research question is.
    • Put all the answers that you gave to the questions in this webquest and the reports you wrote in some of the steps in a separate file. You have to hand this in together with the Business Plan, poster/flyer, promotion clip and your words list.
    • Think of a name for your business and product.
    • Decide on the opening hours of your business.
    • Write a short conclusion about the project.

Tip: you can send your promotion clip to your teacher's e-mail address or hand it in on a USB-stick.

D. Last but not least, you have to complete your words list of 50 words. Your teacher will expect 1 file of 50 words per person, so 2 files in total with 100 words. (You don't have to show this list in your presentation - this is only for your teacher).

Ask your teacher whether you have to hand in all the final products in order to be allowed to give the presentation.


1. Presentation:

      • Prepare who will say what in your presentation (everything has to be in English!)
      • Use a PowerPoint or Prezi to give structure to your presentation
      • Structure your PowerPoint: introduction, overview, research, 6 Ps, poster/flyer, promotion clip, conclusion, feedback
      • Total speaking time: 15 min. for a group of 2 people (each person speaks an equal amount of time!!!)
      • Add the promotion clip (or play on a separate file during your presentation)
      • This is a group project, so that means that the group members have to be bring each other up to date about their assignments, progresses, research results, materials, etc. The teacher is entitled to ask you about the research that your fellow group member has done and vice versa.
      • When your partner is sick or not present at the presentation, the one that is present still needs to give the presentation. So make sure you are up to date with your project! Ask your teacher about this.
      • If you did your research as it is outlined in the webquest, your speaking will go much better, because:
        • You will write in English
        • You have something to talk about in English
        • You know what you are talking about
        • Your writing will help your speaking, since you’re structuring everything that you have done

You are going to be assessed individually on your speaking. But the project is the responsibility of all group members!

Go back to the Process page.

Go to the Resources page to find all the links and material outlined in this webquest again.

Go to the Evaluation page to find out how your teacher will assess you on your webquest.